Fl Sanbo Zen

Florida Sanbo Zen Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:45 pm

Join Shana Smith online or in person at Karuna Cottage

3215 NW 17th Street Gainesville, Fl

Florida Sanbo Zen is guided weekly by Shana Smith, Assistant Teacher from the Florida Sanbo Zen tradition of Japan, and senior Sanbo Zen practitioners Debi and Bob Kolb.

Shana, Debi, and Bob facilitate each Wednesdays from 6-7:45 pm. You are welcome to join online or in person at Karuna Cottage in Gainesville at 3215 NW 17th St.

During the weekly hybrid zazen on Wednesdays, we generally will have two 25-minute silent sitting periods with a 5-minute walking period in between. 

Email Shana for details/questions at floridasanbozen@gmail.com

All levels and traditions are welcome. Wear comfortable clothing. This class is donation-based, with the option of membership. Venmo (@shana-banana-smith), or bring donation in person $5- $20 per class. Optional: you can become a sustaining member for $25/month. Please email floridasanbozen@gmail.com for this option.

Donations are shared with our teachers and Karuna Cottage