MUST Get Done Mind

Dear friends,

Monday will soon greet us again. How will we greet this day? Will there be moments when we can simply relax into just doing what we are doing without judging it, rushing, thinking ahead about how it will feel better when the task is done? I know that this is a good learning space for me, as I often am working in-order-to-get-it-done so I can either get into the next task that MUST BE DONE or can have a chance to relax.

Can we instead cultivate the skill of being with our experience as it is manifesting without leaning into the future?

Right now, my hands are typing. I can feel my hands and relax my fingers as they move. I can feel myself sitting here and notice my breath as it is. I can let go of trying to finish this email to get it out to you so that it is accomplished. I can enjoy connecting to the typewriter and connecting to you.

Our lives are full of such activities. What would happen if we could have greater presence as we go through our Mondays and Tuesdays and every day of the week? What if we added a slight smile to our face as we work, as we move, as we do what we do? What if we do this next task like it was the only thing that we had to do? As if we had all the time in the world, as if it were our last task? Can we open to the possibility of loving being alive at this moment, as we are? Not just when we get better, improve ourselves or when things settle in our lives. Can we feel gratitude for our capacity to work, to play, to rest, to love, to connect, to enjoy?

Hope to sit and enjoy life with you on Monday from 4:30 – 5 pm.