Soul Force MLK Holiday Greeting

Greetings friends,
With deep respect for the holiday that honors the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we will let go of our usual workday and our Monday Noon gathering on January 17th. Instead we can contemplate his good works. We can offer our gratitude for his inspiring, powerful work  to create change where he used a blend of love and community action. We can aspire to continue his work in our own best way.
Here is a copy of his life changing 17 minute Dream speech. As I viewed this today, I was struck by the mood of hope and trust of the crowd of so many thousands. He did not fuel the flame of anger but spoke to the rights of people of color with dignity, courage and encouragement of “soul force” instead of violence. He studied with Gandhi and it shows. Such a deeply spiritual being. We were blessed to have him begin the great march to freedom that continues today.
I also would love to offer you a wonderful 13 minute video of Ajahn Amaro speaking about Silence, stillness and space. It allows for a wonderful practice that I am thoroughly enjoying.
I look forward to seeing your radiant face on Monday, January 24th.
May you know  warmth, love and peace,